As per the study by ICMR-INDIAB, the overweight and obesity rate in India will reach 30.5% by 2040. These numbers are alarming from the health perspective for one of the fastest-growing nations in the world. Being healthy is a necessity, especially in the post-covid times where good immunity makes a big difference. And the foremost requirement for staying healthy is maintaining your body weight. Being overweight is the home to uncountable diseases. Hence, it is necessary to lose that extra kilo, however insignificant it may seem.

In your weight loss process, you often come across experts who claim breakfast to be the most important meal of the day. About 78% of people who have successfully lost unwanted weight cite their breakfast habits as the main reason in the process. Breakfast kick starts your metabolism for the day. But what should be the ideal breakfast ideas that can fulfil your aim of losing weight and at the same time, set your mood right with great taste? Let’s discuss a few top breakfast ideas that can help you lose weight drastically.

Nuts and Seeds:

Nuts are among the top 5 foods that promote weight loss as per a study by Harvard. These are a great source of healthy fats, fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in vegetable oil, which has high-calorie content. They can regulate body weight as their fats are not fully absorbed. Nuts and seeds regulate food intake and help to burn energy. They are also rich in unsaturated fats and other nutrients, which are known to protect against heart disease. They can be added to Poha, upma, oats or yoghurt, to increase their flavour. Refrain from overdoing nuts and seeds as they may trigger allergies in the body. Since they are high in calories, take them in limited proportions. Buy Nuts and seeds online from your nearest grocery store.


Almonds are among the healthiest foods available on the planet. They are added to your regular dose of morning Poha, can be a part of the yoghurt bowl of your intake, can be soaked in water overnight or can be eaten as a whole. Almonds are rich in fats, fibre, protein, zinc, selenium, magnesium and vitamin E. They have a low-calorie count and are a rich source of antioxidants. Almonds are known to reduce blood sugar levels, blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels in the body. They are known to strengthen bones, provide relief from constipation and respiratory and heart diseases. Avail of the above almond benefits loaded in Nourish almonds.


Contrary to popular belief, if eaten in moderation, pasta can be a healthy option for breakfast. It is composed of durum wheat and water. Refined pasta is the most popular kind, where the wheat kernel has been stripped off the germ and bran, along with many of the nutrients it contains. Pasta is rich in fibre that keeps you fuller for a long time. Eating whole-grain pasta can protect the body against stomach and colon cancers. It has a low glycaemic index that regulates the blood sugar level, helping to prevent diabetes and obesity. Nourish pasta can be your ideal choice for breakfast, which has protein and vital nutrients higher than regular pasta.


Vermicelli is a light and easy-to-cook breakfast option that is both tasty and healthy. It is a staple Indian food, eaten with equal zeal across India. It is made from refined rice or millet flours suitable for quick cooking. Vermicelli is a go-to dish that can be eaten as sweet kheer, upma or even as vegetable pulao. It does not have a flavour of its own, but absorbs the flavour of the ingredients it is cooked with. They are fat-free, cholesterol-free and very low in sodium. It is rich in carbohydrates that are essential for energy production in the body. However, vermicelli is not ideal for those in the weight loss process.

Fruits and Vegetables

Breakfast is a great time to fit in a fruit- or vegetable serving. Eating fruits early in the morning helps to detoxify the body and provides the energy boost to sustain the day. Consuming fruits on an empty stomach can also aid in the weight loss process. They are rich in antioxidants that aid in removing the toxins, the free radicals in the body that may damage the body tissue and cell walls. Veggies make a great option for breakfast. Just chop the veggies, stir-fry them in cooking oil with black salt, and you are good to go.

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