Along with extra clothes, the arrival of winter also demands increased food intake to maintain your immunity amid the drop in body temperatures. Our health deteriorates, and our immunity declines, making us more susceptible to colds and flu. It is necessary to give extra care to your immunity during these times, failing which you will find yourself sneezing and draped in cold. We are less exposed to sunlight, which is necessary for the body. Hence, there is a dire need to maintain an optimum diet that takes care of essential nutrient intake with exceptional health benefits to the body. Let’s discuss some of these “saviours” that can help you get through the tough times.


Almonds are the most popular superfoods known for their exceptional health benefits. Countless times we have heard its importance by our elders about how it can boost our memory powers. Almonds are rich in healthy fats, protein, fibre, magnesium, and vitamin E. Almonds help reduce blood sugar levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Almonds are known to raise the heat in the body and decrease hunger pangs. Almond milk contains riboflavin that strengthens bones and boosts the immune system.

Besides Almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts, peanuts, pistachios are some necessary nuts and multigrain that help to keep you warm in winters.


Dalia or broken wheat is a healthy as well as tasty food. It is easy to digest and is full of nutrition. It is high in fibre and is one of the healthiest breakfast options for weight loss. Dalia is known to keep your muscle strength in check with its rich protein content. In India, Dalia is eaten mainly in winters, as the wheat present in it helps you keep the body warm. Dalia possesses laxative property due to its rich fibre content. It is used in making savoury dishes like Khichdi, pulao, upma, Pongal and porridge. Roasted Dalia, made from white wheat kernels that are crushed into smaller pieces. It is composed of nutrient-rich outer bran and the germ of the wheat. Buy roasted Dalia from your nearest store and enjoy its loaded benefits.


Hot Sooji halwa on a chilled winter morning is a treat for the taste buds. Sooji or semolina is made from roughly ground whole wheat. Sooji is made of durum wheat that is not refined or processed, making it healthy for consumption. Not only it is used as a battering ingredient in many Indian dishes but is also used as the main ingredient in numerous foods, both sweet and savoury, like upma and halwa. Nourish Sooji is an authentic sooji in the market that is fibre rich, giving a feeling of fullness for a longer time. 

Chana Besan

Chana besan is a rich source of fibre, protein, micronutrients and carbohydrates. It has a low glycaemic index that keeps diabetes in check. The low glycaemic index helps in burning calories and fats, raising the nutritional level. Chana Besan can be used instead of wheat if you are allergic to gluten. Besan is known to fight many allergic reactions, especially a gluten allergy. Nourish Chana besan can be your perfect choice in winter if you want a perfect blend of the above-mentioned benefits. 

Multigrain Atta

Multigrain atta contains a blend of various whole grains such as wheat, soya, oats and more. It has higher nutritional content than regular atta. Multigrain atta has a high Iron content that adds to your immunity and helps you fight winter irregularities like cold and flu. The atta is high in fibre, which helps in regulating bowel movements and aids in avoiding constipation, keeping you energized and boosting your mood during the winter months.