One of the must-have plant-based superfoods in your diet are Flaxseeds. These are known for their extensive nutritional values and health benefits. They come from Flax plants (also known as Linum usitatissimum, which means the most useful). It originated around 5000 BC from the eastern Mediterranean and was gradually cultivated all over the world. They are rich in fibre, protein, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, lignans among other nutrients and minerals. Flaxseeds price ranges from Rs300 to Rs350 per kilogram.


Flaxseeds are consumed in various ways like adding it to water and drinking it, sprinkling grounded or milled flax seeds over your meal, opting for flaxseed oil to replace your cooking oil, etc. Flaxseed recipe includes Flax egg, flaxseed garlic chutney, flaxseeds in raita, oats, flaxseeds added to wheat to make healthy Rotis…., etc. But what benefits make it qualify to be a part of our diet? Here are a few health problems that flaxseeds can help with.


1. Digestion: Flaxseed and Flaxseed oil are loaded with fibre. They contain both types of dietary fibre, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre helps to soften the stool and ensures easy bowel movement. Insoluble fibre stimulates the digestive system to move the waste out and promote bowel regularity. It is important to drink a lot of water throughout the day when including flax seeds in your diet.


2. Heart & Cancer: Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and alpha-linolenic acids that benefit the heart. The high fibre content in flax seeds reduces the blood pressure and bad cholesterol level while increasing the good cholesterol. It aids in reducing the risk of heart disease and prevents strokes.

 The omega-3 fatty acids present in flax seeds also prevent different types of cancer cells from growing. The lignans, which are polyphenols present in it, are known to slow down the rate of tumour growth by restricting them from forming new blood vessels. Flaxseed is advised to be taken in case of prostate and breast cancer. Buy Flaxseeds online on various e-commerce websites and avail yourself of the amazing health benefits.


3. Diabetes: A study has proved that the daily intake of flaxseed helps to increase the levels of HA1C, which is a measure of average blood sugar in three months. They contain insoluble fibre, which slows the absorption of sugar into the body. It reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes in the body. The antioxidants present in flaxseeds have hypolipidemic(lowers the concentration of lipoproteins) and hypoglycaemic(lowering the blood sugar level) effects. These come in handy in treating both type-1 as well as type-2 diabetes.


4. Skin: Given the high content of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, flaxseeds can brighten the tone of your skin and lighten the scars. They can also be applied directly to the skin. As they are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3s, they can curb inflammation in the skin. Lignans present in Flaxseed prevents wrinkles in the face. According to research, flaxseed oils reduce skin sensitivity and improve skin barrier function and condition. 


5. Weight Loss: Being overweight is a major problem in today’s time. Nuts and seeds have a reputation in weight-loss diet plans to bring in down by ounces. The high soluble fibre content in flax seeds increases the feeling of fullness for a long period. Improved satiety reduces hunger and the urge for unnecessary snacking. It aids in the weight loss process. The soluble fibre present in flaxseeds produces a thick gel-like substance which, when mixed with the digestive juices, slows down the food absorption in the colon, making you feel fuller for a longer time. They are also low in starch and sugar, and hence are low in calories. These benefits do full justice to the flax seeds price


These benefits must have made you think, “How can I buy flax seeds near me?” Flaxseeds being a popular nutrition-rich superfood is readily available in most grocery stores near you. However, there are a few downsides to consuming flax seeds haphazardly. Since it lowers blood pressure, taking it in addition to the medicine you take to control the blood pressure levels can take your blood pressure too down, leading to hypertension. Women should refrain from consuming flax seeds since it affects the hormone levels during pregnancy. It also reduces the blood’s ability to clot. If you are not drinking plenty of water while consuming flax seeds during constipation, it may upset your digestive system and lead to gastrointestinal issues.