Superfood, a marketing term used to influence food habits and sell food products labelled as nutrient-rich food, can positively influence health. They offer maximum nutritional benefits at the least calorie cost. Many such foods can fall under the “superfood” category. However, there is no single food that can hold the quality of all superfoods alone. It has become an essential requirement to include these superfoods in our diet to lead a healthy lifestyle. Some important superfoods and the logical reasons for their intake are described below.


Nuts and Seeds


Nuts and seeds have had a reputation as being an important source of energy throughout history. They are full of vitamins, protein, fibre, minerals, antioxidants and healthy fats. The fat contained in them is responsible for regulating the food intake in the body


Scientific reasons for eating Nuts & Seeds: Nuts are known to assist in lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body. They are rich in fibre content that slows the rate of digestion and helps in regulating bowel movement. The unsaturated fats in them give protection to the heart against various diseases.




Almonds are the most popular among all superfoods. They assist a great deal with brain health and are referred to as being memory-boosters for ages. 


Scientific reason to eat Almonds: Almonds are loaded with vitamin E which are known to preserve memory longer and prevent the cognitive decline of the brain cells. It also has lean proteins that repair brain cells and boosts the cognitive function of the body. Almonds have an appropriate amount of antioxidants that fight free radicals in the bloodstream and protect cells from oxidative damage like ageing.


Rajma Chitra 


Rajma, eaten with rice, is one of the most popular mouth-watering meals in India. Rajma is rich in protein, and is often considered as a replacement for red meat among vegetarians. The red-kidney beans in a thick gravy of added Indian spices make them irresistible in taste. 


Scientific reason to eat Rajma Chitra


Rajma is high in fibre, a nutrient that is known to help with weight loss. Rajma has calcium, which strengthens bones. It is a proven fact that Rajma reduces the risk of cancers of the aero digestive tract, stomach, colorectum and kidney. 


Nourish Amla Murabba


Amla murabba is made from Amla. Amla being bitter and acidic in taste was not consumed with much zeal. However, Amla murabba has falsified this perception with its mouth-watering taste and amazing health benefits. Amla is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, carotene, protein, fibre and vitamins. These nutrients add to multiple health benefits. 


Scientific reason to eat Amla Murabba 


Amla is a natural fibre that regulates bowel movement and provides relief from irritable bowel syndrome. Loaded with natural fibres, Nourish Amla Murabba is good for digestion. Amla is also rich in vitamin C that is a powerful antioxidant and a known immunity booster. These antioxidants manage oxidative stress and neutralize the free radicals, protecting the body from many diseases. Amla increases the collagen levels in the skin that makes it soft and gives a youthful look. 




Vermicelli is a go-to food that goes perfectly with creamy sweet kheer, savoury upma and even vegetable pulao. Nourish’s authentic vermicelli contains the goodness of fibre. It is free from fat, cholesterol and is low in sodium. It has a high-protein content and almost zero cholesterol. Furthermore, it does not have a flavour but absorbs the flavour of ingredients it is eaten with. Nourish vermicelli added to sweet kheer and garnished with raisins, Kesar pista and cashew adds to their taste and makes them irresistible. 


Scientific reasons to eat vermicelli


Vermicelli is low in fat content, is free from cholesterol and contains a meagre amount of sodium. These are great contributors to maintaining a balanced weight and prevent medical conditions arising due to being overweight. It is rich in carbohydrates that provide energy to the body. Vermicelli is rich in protein that helps to maintain and repair tissues. 


Corn Flakes


Corn flakes are an all-season favourite. Cornflakes combined with milk, fibre-rich almonds, and honey raise the entire nutrition game to a higher level. Cornflakes are a favourite choice for a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Nourish Corn Flakes are rich in vitamin C, minerals, dietary fibres, proteins, carbohydrates and are free of cholesterol, which makes them one of the healthiest choices among breakfasts.



Scientific reasons to eat corn flakes


Cornflakes reduce cholesterol levels and therefore are a great choice of food for heart patients. Cornflakes are full of carotenoids that help maintain a healthy lung. It helps in repairing the damaged tissues and maintains the structure of RBC. Cornflakes also contain thiamine, which boosts up carbohydrate metabolism and cognitive functioning.